Wednesday, 26 March 2014

Menteri Pertahanan Australia Sindir Najib Razak Sebar Spekulasi Isu #MH370.

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Kata menteri pertahanan Australia ;

1. SEMUA ADALAH SPEKULASI sehinggalah serpihan pesawat ditemui.

2. Kenyataan dibuat sejurus Najib umumkan penerbangan MH370 berakhir di Lautan Hindi.

3. Katanya semua info2 berkaitan MH370 adalah berbaur spekulasi semata2.

4. Sehingga kita menemukan apa2 bukti, objek, serpihan yang boleh mengaitkan ia dengan kehilangan MH370 maka semua kesimpulan berkaitan MH370 adalah bersifat spekulasi.

5. Kenyataan ini diulas berdasarkan kepada data2 yang diserahkan oleh firma INMARSAT dari UK yang disampaikan kepada Najib Razak sebelum ia diumumkan di dalam sidang media pada malam semalam.

6. David Johnston menegaskan walaupun dia tak menafikan data2 dari satelit berperanan membantu penyiasatan namun sehingga ada penemuan serpihan berkaitan MH370 ditemui maka semua kesimpulan yang dinyatakan adalah spekulasi semata2.

  • All 'speculation' until MH370 debris found
  • Defence Minister David Johnston says until debris is recovered and positively identified as being from Malaysia Airlines flight MH370,any information about the search for the missing plane is speculation.
  • Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak told a press conference in Kuala Lumpur late on Monday that based on new analysis by the UK Air Accidents Investigation Branch and tracking firm Inmarsat, the plane flew along the southern corridor and crashed into the ocean west of Western Australia.
  • But Senator Johnston said while the British data is all the authorities have to go on, he stressed no debris had yet been recovered from the massive search area in the Indian Ocean.
  • "The turning point for us, I think, will be when we pull some piece of debris from the surface of the ocean and positively identify it as being part of the aircraft," he told reporters at the RAAF Pearce air base north of Perth on Tuesday.
  • "This is a mystery and until we recover and positively identify a piece of debris, everything is virtually speculation."

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